About our application

With UniTree, software written by programmers will be carefully tested, documented, and will function exactly as the client wishes.

21st century programming

Modern programming is becoming a problem when making complex IT systems. The most important thing to remember is to provide clients with high quality applications using well written, clean code.

To ensure this happens, applications undergo a variety of tests. TDD should be implemented is an ethical practice that sees little use. Why is that?

Testing…? To the bin!

Testing software is usually not a thing many programmers do – something UniTree can help with.

Despite tests having are named after the methods being tested in the format of testedMethodName_StateUnderTest_ExpectedBehavior, but it is apparent that such descriptions can be of little to no use. It often happens that system architecture is designed based on use case scenarios such as BDD, DDD, or Use Case Driven Approach. As a result, testing quickly becomes a rather lengthy task, and the test code looks chaotic.

There is a need for connecting the layer of abstraction, which represents business logic, with the physical layer that is test files.

Great value for your clients

Automated test management effectively leads to functional, error-free applications – meaning more value to the client. Testing applications using current methods is no quick task and is often neglected when dealing with projects of a larger size, and documentation lagging behind doesn’t help. Due to all of this, automating the code management process is now key. The idea behind UniTree came from the CEO of DevPark, Andrzej Fenzel, who identified the need for such software in the company when it was found that programmers who wrote software applications for their clients generated tens of thousands of lines of code a month.

How UniTree was thought out

Thanks to adding tags in docblockers that describe tests to programmers, it is now easier than ever to look at a specific test at a glance and instantly understand what it does and what business logic is implemented. If the test is related to several usage scenarios, just add another naming block that follows the feature-scenario-case standard. Using a naming convention facilitates moving around the code and identifying tests checking for correct software functionality.

System documentation

UniTree’s graphical presentation is automatic documentation created from analyzing test files. With integrated Git support, it’s possible to download only the most recent changes from the repository, ensuring that system documentation is always up to date.

What UniTree users see

UniTree users do not see code. Instead, they see a simple table made up of three columns that show which application features are being tested, and what the result of the carried-out test is. Transparency helps the table visualize the application’s business logic.

Why using UniTree is worth it

“Code, without tests, is not clean.”

Robert C. Martin, co-author of the Agile Manifesto and propagator of TDD.


First of all – keep testing! Thanks to UniTree test management, you’ll achieve consistent and clean code with no effort, and you’ll gain access to automated documentation and a holistic view of the entire system. UniTree’s interface focuses on business logic, so you can expect to write a high-quality application.

We, too, struggled to maintain code-based tests, yet that didn’t stop us from implementing Test Driven Development into our everyday work. That’s why UniTree was made, to ease the burden of managing the test writing process. When working with high scale code that is thousands of lines long, only UniTree ensures whether your test scenarios make sense.

Thanks to the unified feature-scenario-case naming convention, our application tells you what features are being tested, what errors were found, and even enables you to change the input parameters of your tests – all this visualized using just a simple, easy-to-read table with three columns.

Thanks to UniTree, you’ll know at a glance what any given test is checking and what business logic is connected to it.

Code reviewers and project managers!

With the help of UniTree, controlling the quality of written code, even in multiple projects, will be a breeze.

If you’re leading a project that involves writing custom software for your clients and you’re not a programmer, you can still take part in the application testing process and ensure the features you agreed on with your client get implemented. You can also introduce new criteria and new tests, as the UniTree interface consists only of three columns containing information relevant to business strategies. Since you don’t see the actual code, you won’t have to know how to navigate within it to verify the quality of the application you’re checking.


Up until now, if you haven’t done any programming, you couldn’t participate in the testing process of your own application, and you weren’t able to verify how programmers used their time to write your custom application.

UniTree gives you the ability to be part of the testing process, meaning that you can check on the fly whether the system works as intended. You can also arrange new tests or testing criteria by yourself.

Our application is a simple table that gives you insights on how your custom application is faring, how the programmers working on it are spending their time, and how your costs are being managed.

We know that the custom application you ordered is only a tool to reach your business goals, so we know how important it is that it works flawlessly, and it contains all the features you need.

Feel like debugging instead of testing?

With UniTree, your apps are tested, structured, and work flawlessly. Ease of use for your clients, ease of mind for you.

Contact us

You can find answers to frequently asked questions on our FAQ page.

If you need more information, let us know! We’ll gladly provide you with all the details you require.


Dominik Ślebioda

Head of the Custom Application Department

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